2020 | |
4/18 | Started my work as Yuzuki Yuzu. |
4/24 | First work joined on Instagram. |
11/1 | Changed my name to Yukino Yuzu. |
11/2 | First posting on Twitter. | 2021 |
2/1 | On Youtube, series of “the music can’t be music” started. |
2/24 | On Youtube, paper story animation, “come~come~comes”, started. |
3/31 | On note, lyric coasters from "The music can't be music" started. |
7/31 | "The exhibition of Yuzu" started. | 2022 |
3/27 | Deleted Twitter account. |
8/28 | On Youtube, series of “the music can’t be music” stopped temporarily. |
11/18 | Deleted note account, and started Medium, where lyric coasters from "The music can't be music" re-lined up. | 2023 |
7/27 | The first novel "Colors and white dance on black in the cold sky" lined up in Kindle. |
8/25 | "Yuzu Yukino" Youtube account was marged into "柚木乃 柚/Yuzu Yukino" Youtube account. |
8/25 | On Youtube, series of “come~come~comes” stopped (Related videos are continuously shared). | 2024 |
8/12 | The second novel "Non-fiction" lined up in Kindle. |
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